Monday, February 02, 2009

Oh, this is bad

You know your two-year old has seen too much Mamma Mia when they are sitting by their sister and as she reads titles of books, she pauses and the said two-year old says "dot dot dot?"


Jeanette said...

I have no idea what that even means! I haven't seen that movie. Was it good? It didn't get great reviews so that's one of the reasons. The other one is that its totally girly so I'd have to watch it all by myself!

beckylou said...

I liked it more after I watched it again (and heard it again and again and again...) Reagan loves it, even though I'm not sure how appropriate it is for a 5 year old. :)

April said...

I don't get it. But this is the first time that I have wanted to see it. What am I doing this weekend...