Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teething is for the birds!

Evan is having such a horrible time teething. His top two teeth are making their way down and taking their sweet time. Ugh. And add to that his first cold...well, it makes for long, sleepless nights. He was up every two hours last night and took 45 minute naps today instead of his normal 2 hour stretches. Tonight I gave him Motrin instead of Tylenol and put baby orajel all over his gums.

I am slowly making progress on painting rooms. The kitchen is painted, as is the front hallway area. (but not the foyer...we are going to have to hire someone for that, I believe) I just have one wall left on our family room and I will probably pause for a little while. OR I might do the dining room. :) Kitchen is Tomato Bisque, and the rest so far is Tawny. A darker brown (don't remember the name) is going on the wall with the fireplace. (all Valspar colors) I am deciding on a greyish blue for the dining room. Choices, choices...


Kendra said...

You should post pictures of the rooms that are done. :) I bet it looks great.

Sue said...

Ohhh...this sounds very nice! Pictures would be excellent.