Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hiding under a towel

I've decided to start a blog. It won't be filled with witty, thought-provoking commentary on my life. Just normal, every day stuff that happens when you are a SAHM with two toddlers. But if you're wondering why I've decided to start, well, let me tell you. I'm doing it for a couple of reasons. 1) I have a friend with a blog and I really wanted to comment, but blog, therefore, no comment. *ahem*kansas...I'm talking about you. 2) I'll be the second to admit that I'm a follower. I couldn't be the first to admit, because then I'd be leading...duh. So a lot of my online friends (or maybe they're people I call my friends, but they don't really know much/anything about me) have blogs and it just seems like the natural thing to do. Blog that is. 3) I get bored a lot and I should be journaling and I don't know where my *real* journal is... And lastly 4) My daughter, who will be 3 next month, hides under a towel while going number 2 in the potty. Why? Who the heck knows... Anyway, the other day she wanted me to hide with her. So there I am, hiding under a towel while my daughter poops and my son pops his head under the towel too and I think "I could totally blog about this".


Chris said...

Oh good another follower! The towel thing kinda gives Dutch oven a whole new meaning.

Anonymous said...

Becky, I love it so far. You know I'm a blog addict, thanks for giving me more reading material.

Rachelle said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

Heather said...

Becky you're the best! Now I expect lots of comments on mine, ok?!