Monday, May 22, 2006

Just another Manic Monday..ohhhhh...I wish it were Sunday...

Not really, but man, today was *not* one of my better days. It doesn't help when I can't get to sleep at night and just as I do, my toddler comes in and lays beside me. And I mean *right* beside me. As in, I have to push her over so that I can roll over. And the breath. Oh, the stinky, stinky breath she breathes in my face. It's horrible... To add to my bad night was the boy waking up crying at 5:45. Yeah. I knew I should've hooked his paci to him. It's really a good thing we have a king-size bed. My hubster, the girl, the boy (who does one of those "ehh" whiney things when his sister happens to touch him while she sleeps) and me...the 7+ months pregnant chick with a grand total of maybe (maybe) 8 inches of bed. My gracious hubby happens to wake up just as I get comfortable in my 8 inches and fall asleep and tell me that I can switch him spots. No thanks...he doesn't get that it'll take me longer to get comfortable after getting up and switching. But it was a nice thought.

**adding more Tuesday morning, recapping my day yesterday...***
Actually, I just deleted half of this post. I realized that not only would you be bored to tears reading it, I was bored writing it... That's how nice I am to you all. Why would I want to bore you all with mundane, meaningless words? Yesterday boils down to this: worn out, frustrated, overwhelmed with emotion, me crying (hysterically), my daughter crying and breaking down. Yeah, it was fun. (not)

Reagan just asked for ice cream for breakfast. I told her no, but the more I think about it, the more it sounds like it wouldn't be a bad idea....


Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Ice Cream for breakfast sounds PERFECT. I hate Mondays. And I hate stinky kid breath.

Darci said...

ah comeon mom let us have ice cream for breakfast.