Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Coming out of the dark

This winter has been hard.  I've really been struggling with depression/SAD and I can't find my UV light.  I remember packing it, but not with what and of course I didn't label the boxes with EVERYTHING that is in them.  But, I am determined to get out of this funk.  I'm looking forward to spring and looking forward to change, whenever or whatever that will be.

Our house has finally sold and we closed on the 26th of February.  That's exciting for us.  Now we save and get some things fixed around here.  The washer died last week with a load of clothes in it, so that will be our next big purchase.

Ryan is at Camp Michindoh (Mish-in-dough) this week for 6th grade camp.  He was packed by Saturday night for a Monday departure.  I dropped him off at school that morning and had to chase him to get a hug.  How embarrassing to hug your mom! He didn't appreciate me telling him I loved him either.  haha! Bon is in Georgia this week for sales training meetings, so it's been quiet around here.

I signed up to do a Ragnar race with some friends from Georgia.  It's a road race with 12 member teams that run 3 legs each.  We are running from Chattanooga to Nashville.  I'm trying to get to the gym to condition each week, but so far this week I haven't made it.  I really, really want to be ready for this race, as I've heard it's taxing.  But I think it sounds so "fun". lol I want to be able to say I've done one.  Been there, got the sticker kinda thing.  Plus I'm hoping I'll become healthier by exercising more.

Slowly working on me this year.  Lots of things in this crazy head of mine that need sorted out.  I wish that I could just make a list or draw a picture of what I see in my head and then once it's down on paper, it just happens or I solve the problem.  But that would just make life too easy I suppose!


Sue said...

Wow! You are busy. Lots going on at your house & lots of 'running' around. ;)

Sorry to hear it has been a grey winter for you in many ways. I wish I could help with that. I admire you so much for the ways you handle the challenges in your life. May you always keep putting them in their place so you can use them as stepping stones.

I'm here for you!

Sulesha said...

You sold your house??? Why didn't I know about this? That is SOOO great!!

And, we are such similar people. I have struggled this winter too. I love you so much! I wish we lived closer so we could hang out. We would have a great time!